Thursday, July 23, 2009

Great Guru of World Shri Guru Har Krishan Ji

We all know that 7th july 2009, we celebrated our 8th Guru’s birth day. The name of our Eight Guru is Shri Guru Har Krishan Ji . He became Guru of this world just at age of 5 years. Why Shri Guru Har Krishan Ji was so great.
  1. We all know that Guru is source of knowledge and education of spirituality. We all get direction from Our Guru for living better life. But many foolish people can think that knowledge and education can get after spending of years of life.
  2. Shri Guru Har Krishan Ji Certified that Guru has knowledge and education in small age also. A Brahmin in that time did not understand that point and he said that if this small child Guru Har Krishan is the real Guru then He tells me whole Gita without reading Gita book. Guru Har Krishan said that close your eyes and Guru Har Krishan kept his hand of his head and Bhamin felt that Shri Har Krishan is telling whole Gita with its spiritual meaning. He fell to Har Krishan's feet and asked forgiveness for his ignorance.
  3. Shri Guru Har Krishan is great because, he served all helpless people who were suffering from smallpox and removed their diseases in Delhi.
  4. He had also known ninth Guru of World and said "Baba Bakala." three times where you can find your ninth Guru Shri Guru Teg Bhadur Sahib.
  5. He takes world’s largest responsibility at the age of 5 and fulfilled his duty because in this age he was source of power of God.

    So, we should succumb in the feet of this Great Guru of World.

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